Decluttering: How To Simplify Your Life (For Beginners)

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Are you looking to declutter, organize, and simplify? I have several simple and easy tricks and hacks to help you get started today.

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With the rise of consumerism, the amount of stuff people own has increased. Learn about the steps people can take to live with less stuff to reduce stress and anxiety.

Are you looking to declutter, organize, and simplify?  I have several simple and easy tricks and hacks to help you get started today.

Declutter, Organize and Simplify Steps

The decluttering process is usually a streamline method for each space in your home.  Here are the easy steps:

  1. Empty the space so you can start with a clean slate
  2. Clean the space to free it from all dust, debris, etc
  3. Go through all of the materials and separate it into 3 piles keep, give away excess stuff or recycle, or put it in the garbage
  4. Measure your storage space and come up with a plan
  5. Make purchases for the appropriate organizational systems 
  6. Put things away

Now let’s take a dive into different areas of your home

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Why should you & How To Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Basics

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Declutter, Organize and Simplify Rooms In Your Home

Where do I start decluttering my closet?

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Closet Organization Hacks: Easy and Awesome DIYs on a Budget

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Decluttering Challenge Accepted!

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I vacuumed and wiped out all of the drawers and the cabinet under the sink.

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It is so nice to have a function space that looks great.

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First - declutter. How many of the same utensil do you really need? Ask yourself - do I really need/use this???

Quick and Easy Steps to Simply, Declutter, and Organize Kitchen Drawers

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Other Declutter, Organize and Simplify Hacks

Do you need some organization and don't want to spend a fortune? I have 11 Dollar Store or Dollar Tree organization hacks for your home.

Inexpensive and Easy Dollar Tree Organization Hacks For Your Home

Do you need some organization and don’t want to spend a fortune? If you are on a tight budget you can get great deals at discount stores like dollar general and with a little creativity set about organizing your home. You can find the full tutorial at Inexpensive and Easy Dollar Tree Organization Hacks For Your Home

I have a super easy and inexpensive Dollar Tree organization idea that is so versatile and will make your life so much easier.

Easy Dollar Tree Organization To Simplify your Life

I have a super easy and inexpensive Dollar Tree organization idea that is so versatile and will make your life so much easier. You can find the full tutorial at Easy Dollar Tree Organization To Make Your Life Easier

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9 Super Easy Small Space Declutter and Organization Hacks for Your Home

Do you need small space organization? I have some super easy and inexpensive hacks for you to use in your home. You can find the full tutorial at 9 Super Easy Small Space Organization Hacks for Your Home

Would you like space saving organization? I was given the challenge by Hometalk to come up 6 ways to use a hanging shoe organizer. With in 5-10 minutes I had come up with 20! Here are all the different ways you can use a hanging shoe organizer to help out in your home.

20 Easy and Unexpected Ways To Use A Hanging Shoe Organizer To Declutter, Organize, and Simply

Would you like a space-saving organization? Have you ever wanted alternative uses for a shoe organizer? I was given the challenge by Hometalk to come up 6 ways to use a hanging shoe organizer. Within 5-10 minutes, I had come up with 20! You can find the full tutorial at 20 Easy and Unexpected Ways To Use A Hanging Shoe Organizer

Other Declutter, Organize and Simplify Conclusion

Now that you’ve dug in, schedule times to go through things to make it a habit.  If you have kids put things in tubs and add labeling to them so you can find things easily.  This works great for toys.  Minimalism is great as it will keep all of your possessions in check, but you don’t have to get rid of everything.   Other small things can help like putting your dirty dishes in the dishwasher after every meal to keep counters clear, building some shelves in your garage to keep the mess at bay when you buy new makeup getting rid of the old, going through your paperwork and paper clutter in your office every week.  Don’t forget to hit your bedroom and go through that dresser and look at what you’re wearing and not wearing, and keep your nightstand from being a catch-all.  Following these guidelines for going through things on a regular basis (sometimes even a daily basis) will help the decluttering and organizing will change it from a new habit to a lifestyle.  You will love the reward when you come into your home after a long day at work and your living room is tidy and clean.  You’ll experience the joy of less when you don’t have to pick up as many things when it’s time to clean.  Now, are you ready to listen to the words of wisdom?  Have you enjoyed this inspirational pep talk and are ready to get started?  I guarantee decluttering will help you have a less anxious, and happier life.

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There are mental health benefits to decluttering as well, and you can read more about that at The Mental Health Benefits of Decluttering

Are you looking to declutter, organize, and simplify?  I have several simple and easy tricks and hacks to help you get started today.

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