Create A Sprinkler for Kids House To Cool Down-Summer Time Fun!

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Do you want a new, reusable way to play in a sprinkler for kids to cool down and have fun? Adults and children will enjoy this reusable Sprinkler House! Gear up for those hot summer days and kids of all ages will have so much fun with this fun sprinkler. The water spray will be just enough that kids won’t be freezing (no cold water stream to make them freeze) and warm up quickly to go through this fun sprinkler system again and again. This fun design will keep them coming for more water fun.

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Do you want a new, reusable way to play in a sprinkler for kids to cool down and have fun? Everyone will enjoy this reusable Sprinkler House!

sprinkler for Kids Materials:

  • 37 inch PVC pipes
  • 32 inch PVC pipe
  • Tee Fitting
  • Elbow Fittings
  • Drill
  • Emitters
  • Embellishments – Pool Noodles, Rope, sponges & Fly Swatters

sprinkler for Kids Directions:

1. Build the sprinkler house base

All pipes are 37″ with the exception of the pipe with the hose attachment on it. That pipe is 32″ on one side, tee fitting, and then 4″ on the other side to center. All corners have elbow fittings. The Center has 2 tee fittings

2. Build the Sprinkler house sides

We built up. The 4 corners are 37″ high, and the long PVC across on either side measures 74″. Use tee fittings to connect the bottom, middle, and top PVC pipes together.

The top stretch of the PVC pipe measures 47″ on all 4 corners.

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3. Build the top of the sprinkler house

The top is a copy of the bottom setup with the exception that there is no faucet up there so all PVC pipes are 37″ long.

Here is what it looks like completed.

4. Next you drill holes where you want them to be in your house.

We drilled a total of 10 holes. 2 holes in the 3 PVC pipes across the top 2 holes in the middle of the long middle bars on the sides 2 holes on opposite sides and opposite ends of the base.

5. Place mister emitters in the holes.

We used a variety of sprinkler emitters to put into the holes. We had a lot of fun picking out the emitters that would spray the way we wanted them to and were adjustable.

6. Decorate your mister house

Use noodles, sponges, fly swatters, and rope to decorate your mister house. We wanted to add some bright colors to it.

Do you want a new, reusable way to play in a sprinkler for kids to cool down and have fun? Everyone will enjoy this reusable Sprinkler House!

Here is what it looked like when we were all done. We did later decide to add 4 more noodles to the top to hold the rope in place.

Do you want a new, reusable way to play in a sprinkler for kids to cool down and have fun? Everyone will enjoy this reusable Sprinkler House!

We opted to not glue the PVC house together. We used a rubber mallet to solidify the pieces into place. Turn the water on slowly (water flow) and it’ll begin misting. High water pressure without gluing could separate the pieces. It doesn’t take a lot of water. All we needed to do was plug in a standard garden hose.

Do you want a new, reusable way to play in a sprinkler for kids to cool down and have fun? Everyone will enjoy this reusable Sprinkler House!

Even older kids can get in on the fun, my kids are 16 & 12 and still use it today. We invited some younger kids and friends over to come to play in it with us.

As kids run through this you can easily add a splash pad at the end for kids to run and slide on. It’s a fun way to stay cool on a hot day. Add some sprinkler toys around the yard to stay cool as well.

Other summer fun and Sprinkler for Kids Ideas

  • little sprinkler with a water hose or standard hose
  • water toy
  • inflatable sprinkler
  • inflatable pool (and don’t forget to get an electric air pump)
  • kids water sprinkler
  • wiggle tubes
  • beach balls
  • fire hydrant sprinkler
  • outdoor water play games and outdoor activities
  • splash play mat
  • squirt water toys
  • inflatable water slides
  • inflatable rainbow sprinkler
  • joyin inflatable unicorn yard sprinkler
  • swimming pool
  • little tikes beach ball sprinkler
  • water games

Some of these are just as fun in your own backyard and so much less than going to a water park, less work than going to your local pool, and this is fun for all ages and the whole family can enjoy it. You can have a backyard party, whether it’s just for little kids or the entire family. This is also a great way to host birthday parties, and it’s a good option because it’s backyard fun. No mess in your home.

You also might like my DIY sprinklers in this summer fun post.

Sprinkler for Kids House Video

Check out my video of this project that I made with Hometalk


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Do you want a new, reusable way to play in a sprinkler for kids to cool down and have fun? Everyone will enjoy this reusable Sprinkler House!

Check out some of my similar posts!

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  1. Oh this looks like so much fun!

    1. Thank you Linda 🙂 I get in on the action too after gardening and lawn work – lol.

    1. Thank you so much Marissa and thanks for the Pin. We do love it and I have been known to get in on the action too 🙂

  2. Fantastic! I love how you’ve designed it – for little people and not-so-little people can all enjoy the fun. pinning!

    1. Thank you so much. You totally got it too as we wanted it to grow with our kids. I have been known to jump in there too on occasion – especially after yard work on a hot summer day. Thanks for the Pin.

  3. What fun! I need this for me in the hot summer!!!!!!!

    1. Me too! 🙂 I totally use it, especially after gardening and yard work. I think I might just put a chair in the middle of it and sip on my lemonade!

  4. My kids, even my too cool nine year old, would definitely be caught playing in this mister. We live in Arizona so anything we can do to cool ourselves down is welcome! Visiting from Happiness Is Homemade.

    1. Thanks so much Victoria. My kids are 13 & 17 as well as their friends are still excited to get it out every summer. We put the slip and slide following it… they have fun for hours.

  5. What a great idea for hot summer days! I would’ve loved this as a kid – pinning so I can remember to make one for my daughter in a few years 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday; I’ll be featuring your DIY mister house at this week’s party. We’d love to have you link up again!

    1. Thank you so much Emily. I’m so excited you are interested in making one as well and thank you for the feature. I’ll see you this week at the party.

  6. How fun! I’ve been wanting to do something like this in our yard. Thanks for sharing at Tuesday Turn About!

    1. Thank you Crissy, and they’re so much fun – even I have been known to get in it after a day of yard work.

    1. Thank you so much Kristi. They are so much fun and not only for the kids 😉

  7. Julie Briones says:

    What a great idea! I’m going to share this with my kids, for my grandbeans! 😉 Thanks for sharing at Tuesday Turn About!

    1. Thank you Julie, and love that you’re going to share it. It’s so much fun – my kids are older now and still love it.

  8. Oh WOW, the grandbabies would love this! Pinned ♥ I’d like to invite you to bring this post and more over to my new UNLIMITED Monthly Link Party!

    1. Thank you Dee and thanks for Pinning. I appreciate the invite and will be sure to stop by to check it out.

  9. Marilyn Lesniak says:

    Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared.

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