How To Make A Butterfly: Easy and Awesome with Video

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Are you wondering how to make a butterfly? With just a few simple supplies from the dollar store, you can make this solar creature for just $2! This is one of my favorite summer crafts.

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DIY Butterfly Materials Needed:

How To Make A Butterfly Materials Needed:

How To Make A Butterfly Materials Videos

1. position the hangers

How To Make A Butterfly Step-by-Step Instructions:

I covered my space with a drop cloth and you can use other things like a paper plate, aluminum foil or any type of paper for this easy project.

1. position the hangers

Place the hangers so that they all touch in the center and the hooks touch on either side to make the outline of a butterfly.

2.  Hot glue the pieces together

2. Hot glue the pieces together

I started by hot gluing the hangers in the center together. I started with hot glue to hold everything steady.

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Hot glue the center pieces together and then the hooks of the diy butterfly

Next I hot glued the hanger hooks together to hold them in place.

Depending on where you are placing them, hot glue will not hold up well with hot and cold temperature fluctuation. You’ll want to reinforce them with something of your choice like any of the following:

  • E6000
  • Silicone
  • Epoxy
  • Gorilla Glue
  • Pipe cleaner
  • Ribbon
  • Yarn
  • Zip ties

I am using a clear fishing line to hold them together. This will secure them, and be clear to the eye.

You can leave the hangers plain or you can decorate them with any of the following materials:

  • stickers
  • glitter glue
  • glow in the dark paint
  • spray paint
  • ribbon
  • pipe cleaners
  • acrylic paint
  • 3d butterfly stickers

This can be a fun craft for kids.

3. Place and attach a solar light in the middle

3. Place and attach a solar light in the middle

I placed a solar light on the center of the butterfly. The solar light would become the head and body of the butterfly to complete the butterfly shape. I attached the solar light to the wings using the fishing line. You can also reinforce this with some hot glue or glue of your choice.

I created 3 butterflies with red, white, and blue hangers, and use colored solar lights to match the hangers for the heads and bodies. You can use many colors. I added a little fishing line between the top two wings so that I could hang the butterflies. Aren’t these beautiful butterflies? Are you ready to make some butterfly crafts of your own? It’s another beautiful way to decorate your yard.

5. Hang your DIY butterfly

If you like butterflies, you might enjoy the DIY hair clips I made.

  • Shepard hook
  • tree branch
  • with a command hook on a wall
  • inside on a wall
  • on a fence
  • or make an entire butterfly garden

I hung my red butterfly by my dish flower garden with my pouring watering can.

I hung my white butterfly in my front yard on a blank brick space where it could stand out.

I hung my white butterfly in my front yard on a blank brick space where it could stand out.

I hung my blue one out in the yard on a Shepard hook as well.

I hung my blue one out in the yard on a Shepard hook above our fresh flowers.

I also made one and painted it with glow-in-the-dark paint.  Be careful when choosing your glow-in-the-dark paint to make sure it will glow with just the sun and not black light.

I also made one and painted it with glow-in-the-dark paint. Be careful when choosing your glow-in-the-dark paint to make sure it will glow with just the sun and not black light.

How To Make A Butterfly Video

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Utopia Home Plastic Hangers...Shop on AmazonSUNNEST Solar Lights Outdoo...Shop on AmazonGorilla Mini Hot Glue Gun K...Shop on AmazonClear Fishing Wire, Acejoz ...Shop on AmazonFolkArt glow in the dark Ac...Shop on Amazon

How do I make a butterfly? More options:

  • Make paper butterflies with coffee filters pinched between clothespins
  • Fold origami paper to make origami butterflies
  • Make tissue paper butterflies
  • Take a square piece of paper, accordion fold it, and attach it to toilet paper rolls as the body to make a paper butterfly craft
  • Attach some construction paper to popsicle sticks to make a butterfly
Are you ready to make a DIY butterfly? With just a few items from the dollar store, you can make this solar creature for just $2!
Are you ready to make a DIY butterfly? With just a few items from the dollar store, you can make this solar creature for just $2!
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5 from 1 vote

Easy and Awesome Solar Light DIY Butterfly with Video

Are you ready to make a DIY butterfly? With just a few items from the dollar store, you can make this solar creature for just $2!
Course Summer
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour
Servings 1
Author Chas
Cost $3-$5


  • Hot Glue Gun


  • Hangers
  • Solar Light
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Fishing Line




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  1. Wow! Such an easy thing to do and yet so pretty. Where do you get all this imagination?

  2. Brenda Mater says:

    5 stars
    These are awesome and so easy! Right up my alley!! How did you hang it on the brick?

    1. Thank you so much 🙂 I used a command hook to hang it on the brick

  3. so cute chas im gonna try this

  4. I made these and discovered by putting fiberglass screening on the back sides made them look more realistic. Everyone loved them hanging on our fence.

    1. I love that, thanks for sharing and I’d love to see pictures please

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