13 Ways To Celebrate Spring Has Sprung

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What does the term spring has sprung mean? It means the end of winter, and things start growing like grass, flowers, and new life.

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After what may seem like a long and tedious time, we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and spring has come at the same time. It’s one of the most beautiful times of the year, but it can be far too easy to let spring slip away from you.

What does the term spring has sprung mean?  It means the end of winter, and things start growing like grass, flowers, and new life.

Many things happen around spring making it a hectic time of year such as taxes, and the end of the school term. It’s not surprising that you can blink and it’s gone. Stopping to smell the flowers that have started to grow again is usually last on the list. 

13 Ways To Celebrate Spring has Sprung: 

Next up, we're going to talk about closets. So we want to make sure to hit the bottom of the closet because that's where they like to crawl around and stay near the edges. So spray those baseboards. And then you can also hit the cracks all the way up the edges of the closet as well.

1. Sort Through Your Wardrobe

One of the first things you should do is sort through your wardrobe. Spring is the perfect time to get rid of the old and bring in the new. It can be incredibly uplifting to sort through the pieces that are longer fit or out of fashion when the season is transitioning. So, before you pack away your winter jumpers think back and ask yourself if you wore each one during the winter. You could also sort through your spring/summer clothes as you get them out of the wardrobe. Use the change of the season and welcome the coming warmth with a clean closet.

Spring Ebook sale

2. Start A New Journal

There is something about spring that makes you feel like starting a new chapter. Think about buying a new journal or notebook. This is the perfect time of year to start writing about all your plans, your achievements, everything inspiring, or even a poem. Each day that you journal, make sure you remember what you are thankful for, and write about what you like about yourself. 

A beautiful orange flower

3. Get Planting And Bring The Outside In 

Whether you live in a small apartment or the countryside, flowers and plants can easily transform your home and make it feel welcoming. Spring is one of the most colorful times of the year when it comes to flowers so make the most of it. Look at planting some new plants in your garden or get some house plants.

Treat your home to a sweet spring arrangement of spring’s prettiest plants. Even if you bring in one single arrangement, you will be surprised how much it helps brighten your home.

Want more ideas to bring spring indoors? Cut stems that are blooming and watch spring bloom right on your mantel or table. Cut daffodils as they emerge from the ground or bright yellow gerbera daisies offer a beautiful bouquet of sunny yellows.

4. Go For A Short Walk Every Day 

Now that the weather is starting to brighten up and days are longer, make sure you spend some decent time outdoors. If you have the chance, take a short walk on your lunch break, or take a stroll outside when you get the opportunity, even if it’s just walking to the shop or local small businesses rather than using the car. 

5. Make Sure You Enjoy Nature 

Some of the most beautiful things about spring are the flowering trees, new life, and flowers blooming. Spring brings a sweet mix of bright colors. So make sure you make the most of it and spend some time in nature. Try visiting a botanical garden or nature reserve to admire the beauty that spring has to offer. 

While visiting gardens or working in your yard, take a picture of the flowers you see and set it as your background on your phone or screen. It will be a constant reminder to get outside and reset with the new spring season.

Want another idea to enjoy nature? Add bird feeders to your yard or use bird feeders that suction directly onto the window. From the kitchen table, observe the springtime habits of birds and watch them up close. You’ll see every detail of the beak and wing by bringing the birdies close in with bird feeders.

6. Have A Picnic In The Park

Another brilliant way to enjoy the warming temperatures is to pack up a picnic basket and have a few meals outside. Spread out a blanket or quilt and enjoy a sunny picnic in your favorite park. Try packing a seasonal lunch to enjoy to embrace the spring season.

7. Go On A Spring Trip 

Spring trips are a great way to shake off the last cobwebs from winter. Although many of us can’t go on any trips abroad this year, we can still plan some days out nearer to home. As daily life and the freedom to explore becomes more available with longer days, it’s a great time to get out and about. 

Consider day trips to see flowers and spring in bloom. Try finding a local flower farm or tulip festival to celebrate spring. Once the beautiful blooms of daffodils are blooming, the tulips are not far behind.

If you can travel further from home, think about where you can go and be outside to enjoy the changing season. Spring is a great time to be outside and walk New York streets. Or, do you want to see the cherry blossoms bloom in Washington, DC?

The best time to pick tomatoes is when they start to turn color. This fruit will continue to ripen like other fruits after picking. Leaving them on the plant too long can cause them to get sun or heat damage, or attacked by bugs. We eat these fresh, turn them into spaghetti sauce, and I blend them into a chunky puree and freeze them to use in place of canned diced tomatoes in recipes.

8. Make The Most Of The Seasonal Fruits And Vegetables

Why not visit a farmers market and try some of the fantastic seasonal fruits and veggies? There is nothing that screams springtime more than enjoying them at the peak of the season. 

Challenge yourself to prepare a spring menu. Regional areas will determine which vegetables and fruits are in season. Try making a fresh salad with strawberries, crisp greens and balsamic dressing.

If you can’t find the food you’re looking for at the farmer’s market, talk to the vendor. They may have a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and offer free local delivery of their local produce. Even if it is a small delivery fee, you can have weekly fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables delivered to your door. Often neighbors will share a CSA delivery box for a greater value. This allows you can share the cost of the farm delivery box and the vegetables. Many CSA’s take local online orders, so check your area by asking around at the farmer’s market or contacting the local extension agency.

I opened my blinds and there was a cobweb. Yuck! So what I'm going to do is first start by wiping down the entire window, the edges, to get rid of the cobwebs first. So the first thing I'm going to do is open the window up and I'm going to spray that spot where the window touches the base. This will stop the bugs from crawling in there.

9. Get Your Windows Open 

After many months cooped up indoors, it will feel amazing to clear your home out with tons of fresh air. Spend some time enjoying the crisp spring breeze and ventilate your home. Even if you usually dry your clothes in a dryer, think about airing your laundry outside. You are guaranteed to have a super fresh smell that lasts. 

10. Go On A Bike Ride 

There is just something about riding your bike on a warm day with a nice cool breeze. If you don’t have your own bike you could try renting bikes for the afternoon and taking a cycle around your hometown visiting or just your neighborhood. 

I like to make outfits and store them in my closet. This eliminates 1 of 2 hangers. Works with pants or skirts and shirt outfits.

11. Go Shopping For New Clothes 

When it comes to fashion there are only usually two seasons that are important spring and fall, and they are the two seasons that people often use to update their wardrobes. Although summer and winter shouldn’t be forgotten, they are easy seasons to add in a few items such as a coat or swimwear. Spring, on the other hand, is a transitional month and the one with the greatest clothing selections. Look for deals on purchases. Often during spring there are sales with online companies. Now that we are going to be able to shop in stores why not choose a day to go shopping and treat yourself to some new clothes? 

12. Redecorate for Spring

Spring is an inspiring season and provides you with an air of renewal, which is the perfect time to revamp your home. Think about redecorating with a new color or rearranging your furniture. You can make your home feel completely new and refreshed with just a lick of paint and a change of color. Think about adding a feature wall to your master bedroom or family room or tone down your space by using white walls and adding color with accessories such as curtains, cushions, and throws. 

If you have a small budget consider just adding focal points of color with flower blossoms and a pastel vase. Or, just switch out to a different vase. It doesn’t have to be a complete home renovation to welcome the change of season to spring.

Plant the flowers in the pot

13. Celebrate with Plants and Flowers

When listening to the song of spring (birds chirping) you can make a gorgeous basket with terrific textures to place in your home. The cost of roses can be expensive but you might be able to talk to your florist and get your hands on some Florida foliage like Florida ruscus and stick it in a floral white cube or better yet something that absorbs to make the flowers last. Add some lily grass and the freshest flowers. Place it on an end table or the edge of a desk to enjoy. Don’t know what to pick, consider consulting a real local florist to ask about seasonal flowers. Florists know what is in season as they receive shipments of certain flower types.

Put some plants in pots or plant seeds to get them going to transplant outside. Ideas include:

  • foxtail fern
  • sword fern
  • fresh flowers for spring like purple african violet
  • beautiful flowers for summer that can take on the hot temperatures like yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe, and additional flowers

Gear up for May Day and place flower gift baskets or an amazing arrangement with the above or create an assortment of lovely plants or hand-arranged flowers or fresh flower bouquets on a recipient’s front door and run. Be sure to hide and peek from a safe distance so you can see the enjoyment of the lucky recipient of the floral gift.

Don’t forget Mother’s Day flowers are coming soon too. Don’t want to DIY it, you can call the top flower shop to help you build the perfect custom bouquet and perfect flowers, or they’ll have a collection of fresh flower arrangements. They’ll also set you up with a complimentary personalized card message, and floral delivery (sometimes they even offer same-day flower delivery in a certain local delivery zone.)

Spring has Sprung Conclusion

This list should give you some great ideas for how to make the most of spring, it’s one of the most beautiful times of the year so make sure you get out there and take pride in enjoying the happiness of spring. It is a perfect time of year to enjoy being outside in nature, watching the blooming flowers and giving a kind gift.

Do you have any other ideas that should be added to the list? Please ask in the comments below.

How can I make my house feel like spring?

Bring the outside in during spring. 1. Create a spring-themed centerpiece with the freshest bouquet or potted plants to add a touch of nature to your home. 2. Hang colorful spring-themed artwork or decorate with pastel-colored accents to brighten the space. 3. Open your windows to let in fresh air and natural light. 4. Decorate with airy fabrics and pastel-colored throws and cushions to give your home a springtime feel.

How do I get my house spring ready?

Declutter and clean your space to make room for a fresh start. Swap out heavy winter decor for lighter, brighter pieces to give your home a springtime feel.
Try floral patterns, pastel colors, and natural elements like fresh flowers and potted plants. Rearrange furniture for a fresh change.

Who said spring has sprung?

Ogden Nash wrote a poem called Spring Has Sprung. You can find the poem on Answers.com

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Here are 12 ways to celebrate spring has sprung

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