Plain Glass Block to Glowing St. Patrick’s Day Decor (2 Options)

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Creating a seasonal look in your home doesn’t have to be hard. Just a few simple items put together can create ambiance in your home. This project is easy, great for decorations, party craft, or a gift.

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There are 2 options for this project.
Option #1 you’ll need:
Glass Block – (mine came from Walmart, but you can find them online, craft stores, or hardware stores.)
A strand of white or green lights – (Dollar Tree)
Contact Paper
Gel Window Clings (Walmart)
Measure your contact paper on your block.
Cut out a square shape that fits your glass block.
Place contact paper on your glass block.
Place your gel window clings on the contact paper on the glass block.
Crafting blocks come with a hole in them. Place your strand of lights in the glass block. If you’d rather, you can use battery operated lights.
Plug/turn your lights on and you’re done.
Option #2 you’ll need:
Glass Block – (mine came from Walmart, but you can find them online, craft stores, or hardware stores.)
A strand of shamrock lights – (Dollar Tree)
Contact Paper
Wall Stickers (Dollar Tree)
Place the Wall Sticker directly on the glass. I didn’t use the contact paper for this one.
Add your shamrock lights.
Turn it on and enjoy!
We use ours as a night light in a bathroom. We leave it on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It doesn’t get too hot.

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  1. Such a cute way to brighten up a small corner for St. Patrick’s Day!

  2. Mother of 3 says:

    So cute and so simple! My boys and I walked all around the Dollar Store today trying to find some crafting supplies for a dollar store challenge; I saw those wall stickers but walked right by them. I had the hardest time coming up with ANY crafting ideas. My younger two finally decided they wanted to make something with fake flowers so we bought some flowers and we’ll see what they come up with.

    1. Thank you. I love that you have a dollar store challenge! I can’t wait to see what your kids make with the flowers.

  3. What a cute idea, you could have one for each holiday. Visting from blogger’s pit stop

    1. Thanks Connie and you’re right, I do tend to make one for every holiday &/or season 🙂

  4. Great idea Chas. I’ll have to see if I can find some of those glass blocks here. Love the way you added the lights on the inside too

    1. Thanks Michelle, if it helps you can get them at Michaels, Hobby Lobby,and other craft stores.

  5. Two very clever, simple ideas. And this idea works for any holiday doesn’t it, just switch the design . such possibilities!

    1. Thank you Julie and yes you are right that is exactly what I do. I make a new one for every holiday/season. So much fun 🙂

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