Make Your Life Easier: The Ultimate Guide To Kitchen Cleaning Hacks
Are you looking for kitchen cleaning hacks? Look no further as here are several tips and tricks to help you get your kitchen in shape today.
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In kitchens across the country, rubber spatulas, cutting boards, and knives are proliferating like rabbits. But how do you get the grime off of your ceramic stovetop? Or keep your garbage disposal fresh?
Kitchen Cleaning Hacks Materials
Today we’re going to start of with some things you should be cleaning but might not be and these are some of the interchangeable ingredients that you can use based on what you like.
It’s important to know that baking soda and dish soap are more of a base and vinegar and lemon juice are more of an acid. What’s important is to know not to mix a base with an acid it cancels out the cleaning qualities and basically becomes a non-cleaning agent. So choose one or the other when cleaning.
Kitchen Cleaning Hacks Video
Kitchen Cleaning Hacks instructions
How do you clean the inside of a coffee pot?
So the first thing we’re going to start with is the coffee pot and you can look inside and a lot of times there are brown stains or water stains inside. We’re going to go ahead and clean those out. The first thing I’m going to do is go ahead and fill it up with water. Next, I’m going to put two Alka-Seltzer in the pot and let it soak for 10 minutes. I’m going to take and dump it out and as you can see it’s much cleaner then it was I’ll go ahead and wash this out and it’s ready to use again.
How do I clean and deodorize my garbage disposal?
Now we’re going to talk about the garbage disposal. I have frozen some vinegar into ice cubes, and you could alternatively use lemon juice or a combination of vinegar and lemon juice. For this one I’m going to place the ice cubes into the garbage disposal turn the water on and run the garbage disposal. This cleans the blades and deodorizes your garbage disposal.
How do you clean and deodorize a garbage can?
Let’s talk about the garbage can. We often take our garbage can out but forget to clean the actual inside of the garbage can which is often full of drips and grease and grime as well. So there are a lot of things you could put inside to clean your garbage can. You can use vinegar and or lemon juice to disinfect it and clean it, you could use Alka-Seltzer, or I’m going to just go ahead and use Dawn dish soap, or you could use Castile soap.
I’m just going to add a little Dawn dish soap to the bottom you don’t need much and then I’m going to add some water. The bottom is often the worst of it so just leave it in there for a little bit to let it soak and then we’re going to give it a little scrub. I’ve got a little scrub brush here and I’m just going to get in here and scrub it on the sides and on the bottom.
I’ll also do this to my recycled cans as well and get the bottom really good. If it’s a nice day outside you can easily do this outside with a hose and that way you can just dump it out. Now that it’s all clean I’m just gonna go ahead and rinse this out and I’ll be ready to use again.
Just a little tip once you have your garbage bag in this is just baking soda and you can add a little sprinkle this will help deodorize your garbage can. In addition to that don’t forget to clean the outside of your garbage can as well.
How do you remove grime from door handles?
We’re going to go ahead and talk about door handles and these are everywhere in your home and I just like using good old rubbing alcohol for these but you could use dish soap if you want. You just give it a little squirt and use a cleaning towel and wipe it all down and now it’s germ free. Then I can wash these rags and reuse them again.
When we talk about handles these handles are everywhere in your home. Bathrooms, bedrooms, the doors to go in and out of your house so don’t forget to do all of them. In addition to that don’t forget about the other handles in your home too like your refrigerator, your dishwasher, your oven your microwave, maybe the door handles on your bathroom cabinets, or your kitchen cabinets. They’re everywhere clean them all.
How do you clean grime off a light switch?
We also have light switches and outlets don’t forget about those as well. You can use dish soap, vinegar or my favorite again is rubbing alcohol. Just give it a little squirt and use one of your reusable rags that you can just clean it and get the switch really good. Don’t forget to catch this spot right here a lot of dust forms. You can also catch the top of backsplashes and other spaces like this that you just don’t even think about. Go ahead and clean it off and then wash these rags and reuse them.
What is the best way to clean and deodorize a dishwasher?
We’re also going to talk about your dishwasher. We go ahead and put soap in and clean our dishes but what about the dishwasher itself. There’s a spot here where this door comes up and we often miss this area right here then in addition to that odors collect inside here. So we’re going to talk about some tips and tricks for your dishwasher. Here’s a little closer look at that spot where the dishwasher door closes. I’ve got just a little bit of dish soap mixture. I’m going to squirt that space down here and then I’m gonna take my little scrub brush I’m gonna get in there and I’m gonna scrub at that space. You can see just how gross that is. When your dishes are done you can go ahead and spray the whole thing down and scrub it out and you’ll have a nice clean dishwasher.
If you want another easy way you can pick a glass when you’re going to be doing your dishes and place it upright in the dishwasher. If you don’t want to do this with your dishes in you can easily do this with an empty dishwasher by placing a glass in and we’re going to be pouring some vinegar into the glass. This is full and when I close this and wash the dishes with the sprayer from the top will Splash into that glass spraying the vinegar all over the dishwasher and therefore deodorizing and cleaning it.
How do you clean and reuse a sponge?
Don’t forget about your scrub pads and sponges now you can easily put them in the laundry machine or just drop them in your dishwasher and clean them with the dishes.
How do you clean a hanging glass light fixture?
Let’s talk about light fixtures. I use a duster to get the entire fixture all the way around cleaning on a weekly basis. Another option is to rely on your vacuum cleaner and its attachments so you can get in here and dust all the creases and crevices with your attachments. Get your light bulbs and all of those areas and you can keep up with this on a weekly basis too which is great about this is it’s an all-in-one thing so you’re vacuuming and dusting with one thing.
Sometimes when you’re in your kitchen your fixtures collect dust part or grease particles and they need to be cleaned a little better than just your regular dusting. Pull your light bulbs off make sure they’re not on when you’re doing this because they’ll be hot so nice and cool take a damp rag and wipe these off. Then you’re going to pull apart your fixture which this one has a screw inside that I have to pull out then I carefully pull my fixture apart and I take these to the sink and I wash them with soapy water.
As you can see here we sometimes miss the way inside even when we are dusting on a regular basis after it’s all dry we’ll put it back together. This light fixture I pulled off it was not on it was cool and I’m just going to take some soapy water and wipe off the top of this now I will make sure this is completely dry before turning on the light fixture.
Make sure you do this on all your lights because their bathroom lights are just as dirty and dusty as well. I’ve placed the fixtures in the soapy water and I’m just going to go ahead and wash them clean them and get all of that dust off of there. I will do this to all of the glass pieces of this fixture and again doing this to all the fixtures in your bathroom and your kitchen and the rest of your home. Now the fixture is all dry and clean.
How to clean blinds at home?
Another great thing about this attachment is cleaning your blinds just go back and forth and clean your blinds easily.
How do you clean a soap holder?
I’ve made some soapy water here and I’m going to talk about something that I think most of us forget about in our kitchens and in our bathrooms. We have soap dispensers hand sanitizer dispensers and even in my kitchen, I have a dish soap dispenser. How many times are we touching these with our germy hands to get them clean? I’m putting it in the dishwater right here and I’m going to go ahead and get it nice and clean. Don’t forget about other things like your toothbrush holders need to be cleaned too. I’m just cleaning it off I’ll go ahead and rinse it dry it off and I can put it back.
How do you clean a dirty faucet head?
Faucets are another one we’re touching all the time with our germy hands whether it’s this part or this part right here so while you’re in your kitchen go ahead and use your dish soap and wipe it down on a regular basis. We also have our bathrooms so again one of my favorites is rubbing alcohol. I just keep some of this on hand in my bathrooms and then I just go ahead and squirt the whole thing down and then use a rag a clean rag to wipe it up to clean it from all the germs and get the handles good. I can clean these by washing them and laundering them as well.
How do I clean my microwave with vinegar?
I poured a little vinegar and a little lemon juice into a bowl and I’m going to fill that up with water. I’ve placed the bowl into my microwave and I’m going to set it to run for 10 minutes.
Now that it’s done I’m going to carefully remove the water and I’m just going to the steam has gone in here and disinfected and it made it really nice and easy to wipe down. You just take your clean rag wipe up all the particles you can also take your plate out and wash it. Now it’s disinfected deodorized and clean. Then we have keypads and you have these on your oven your microwave even your refrigerator where you get water and ice. We Touch these things all the time so again use some rubbing alcohol to squirt it down and take a clean rag and wipe it down and then launder the rag.
How do you clean a refrigerator yourself?
I’m going to go ahead and hit the fridge so I’m gonna empty out everything I’m gonna go ahead and throw away anything that’s expired or shouldn’t be used anymore. You can either spray your shelves with soapy water or take the shelves out and then go ahead and wash them and put them back in. Don’t forget to wipe down the sides everywhere in your fridge and even pull the shelves out and wash them out.
More Kitchen Cleaning Hacks
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- oven racks in your bathtub with hot soapy water and a dryer sheet
You can definitely use paper towels, and I like to use microfiber cloths. You can add a little essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water to make an air freshener. If you have burned pans, boil water in it, and add a little salt or bicarbonate of soda to the bottom to coat gunk and crumbs in the bottom of the pan. After letting it soak, use a little elbow grease and the debris should come right out.
I hope this inspires you to try some of these cleaning ideas in your home I’d love that if you’d subscribe to my YouTube channel and my blog. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in my next video and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe.
Kitchen Cleaning Hacks Video
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I sure am, thank you 🙂