
Easy and Awesome DIY Gazing Ball Garden Globe for your Yard

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Do you want a gazing ball? Garden Decor can be expensive, especially those garden globes & gazing balls.  Here are 7 I have made for just a couple of dollars.

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DIY Gazing Ball Ideas

Mirror Garden globe –

I bought a large vase/fish bowl from the thrift store for $1 and sprayed the inside with Rustoleum Mirror Effect spray paint and let that dry completely.

I turned it upside down and placed it on a plant stand I already had.

Hanging Floral Kissing Ball –

Pull the flowers off the stems and hot glue them onto a Styrofoam ball. Add some twine to hang them from.

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Hang them on garden hooks in your yard.

Gallery Glass Gazing Ball –

I found this glass sphere and a metal candle holder at the thrift store. I E6000 glued them together and let that dry. Using Plaid Gallery Glass, I dipped my finger in the paint and onto the glass.

Once the glass was coated, I let it dry completely.

Penny Art Ball –

I hot glued pennies all-around a floral vase. I then coated the vase with Mod Podge Ultra so that the pennies would stay when the weather temperature fluctuates.

After that dried completely, I placed it on a copper pipe stand with my dish flowers. You can find more about creating dish flowers here –Garden Flowers Made From Dishes

Cement Garden Globe –

I mixed the cement mix and water to make a “mud” consistency. I placed it in a light fixture I found at the thrift store and let it dry.

I gently broke the glass with a hammer and removed the cement ball from the glass and placed it in my yard.

You can see a whole collection of ideas that I’ve made with concrete in this post: The Ultimate Guide to Concrete Crafts

Table Top Gazing Ball (with light) –

I hot glued dollar store rocks on a dollar store vase/candle holder. After all of the rocks were in place I E6000 glued between all of the rocks to make sure they’d stick in the fluctuating temperatures outside. I let that dry completely.

I placed it upside down on a flat pillar candle holder base. You can add a light inside and it’s absolutely beautiful. You can see more on this project here – Table Top Gazing Ball/Garden Globe

Solar Light Garden Globe –

I placed a light fixture I found at a thrift store on top of a solar light. I love the way it glows at night.

I was fascinated to learn that garden globes are believed to bring good fortune.

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Do you want a gazing ball? Garden Decor can be expensive, and here are 7 I have made for just a couple of dollars.

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  1. jodie filogomo says:

    You are so creative!! I love this.

  2. Naomie Moore says:

    Every single one of these projects is just darling! I need to incorporate some in my back yard this summer. Thanks for sharing such fun doable projects. ???

    1. Thank you so very much Naomie, it was fun to spruce up the yard for the summer and make it my happy place again after a long winter. Have a great week my friend.

  3. These are fun and creative ideas! I love repurposing. I’ll be checking in my storage closet for items I can repurpose for the garden.


    1. Thank you so much Cindy, I love that you’re inspired to create some for your garden as well 🙂

  4. Mother of 3 says:

    These are some really great ideas! I am always looking for inexpensive ways to decorate in the garden. Pinned.

    1. Thank you so much and thanks for the Pin. It’s been so nice to get the yard back to my happy place after a long winter.

  5. LOVE this! hope to see you at this week’s party 🙂 jodiefitz.com

    1. Thank you so much Jodie, and yep – I’ll see you at the party 🙂

  6. These gazing balls are wonderful, Chas! Gosh, I would love the mirrored and gallery glass ones in my back yard.

    1. Thank you so much Marie, that is so very sweet of you. Love that you would want some in your yard as well.

  7. Hi Chas!
    These gazing balls are so creative! I will never look at a fishbowl the same way again. It turned out so pretty. I also love the gallery glass! And the cement ball – I can’t stop thinking of all the shapes I could make. I hope you’ll share these at Homestyle Gathering via Serving Up Southern.

    1. Thank you so much Kim and thank you for the invite, I’ll be sure to stop by 🙂

  8. Very creative, I love using different things to create something else, you have inspired me. Followed you from the Grace at Home party, pinned.

    1. Thank you so much Joyce and thanks for stopping by.

  9. These are all beautiful Chas – I especially love the coloured glass ones – I’m a bit of a coloured glass junkie I’m afraid. I’m going to have to start visiting our local thrift store more and invest in a hot glue gun!

    1. Thank you Leanne and I love those colored glass ones too 🙂 Have a great weekend.

  10. Sorry, I don’t know why it is not posting my messages. I’m trying from my iPad instead of my computer. I just wanted to say that I really like these ideas. They are clever and beautiful. I can’t wait to try some of them!

    1. Thank you so much Michele, and sorry for the trouble posting the comment. Not sure why that was happening too.

  11. Aliza Biorn says:

    These are such fun projects! Your Gallery Glass Gazing Ball is beautiful and I can’t wait to make one for my new backyard!

    Thanks for sharing at The Ultimate Pinterest Party this week!

    1. Thank you so much Aliza and I’m thrilled you want to make one too 🙂

  12. Julie Briones says:

    So many different options for gazing balls! Lovely! So glad you shared on Tuesday Turn About!

    1. Thank you Julie and thanks for the invitation to join.

  13. My favorite is the gallery glass version but from experience, I know you don’t want to get that one wet!

    1. Thank you Janet, and thanks for sharing that. I have it under my covered porch so hopefully it’s protected from the elements.

  14. So creative as always. Love them. Featuring when my party opens tonight. Hope everything’s going OK with you per our last exchange 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Carol, I’m thrilled you like them and so kind for the feature. Yes, things are going good so far… 1/2 way done 🙂 Thanks for checking in

  15. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing at Handmade & Otherwise- please join us again!

    1. Thank you so much Katy, looking forward to it.

  16. So many great ideas, I especially like the penny covered one.
    You must have a pretty big garden to fit all these lovely ornaments in.

    1. Thank you so much Julie and I do love creating my happy place in my yard 🙂

  17. Congratulations! Your post was my Most Clicked at #OverTheMoon this week. Visit me on Sunday evening and to see your feature! I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon. https://www.marilynstreats.com. Please be sure to leave your link number or post title so we can be sure to visit!

    1. Thank you so very much for the feature Marilyn and being a wonderful host. I’ll see you at the next party and hope you have a wonderful week!

  18. These gazing balls are wonderful. How did you come across this wonderful collection? I always wanted to have such collection in my backyard.

    1. Thank you Jasmin I’m thrilled you like them. I just went to the thrift store, and made them all in 1 day 🙂

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