How To Decorate Kitchen Cabinets For Christmas: Easy Dollar Tree DIYs

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Are you looking for how to decorate kitchen cabinets for Christmas? I have a few easy Dollar Tree DIYs and a video tutorial to share.

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As most of you know, I love the Christmas season and I am always looking for new Christmas decoration ideas. Today I’m going to share an easy way to add some holiday cheer to the heart of the home, the kitchen. The kitchen cabinet doors seem like a blank canvas and a great place to add a little festive cheer. This Christmas kitchen decoration can be the perfect addition to all the decorations inside your home, so let’s get started.

Are you looking for how to decorate kitchen cabinets for Christmas? I have a few easy Dollar Tree DIYs and a video tutorial to share.

How To Decorate Kitchen Cabinets For Christmas Materials

Berwick Offray 284933 1.5" ...Shop on AmazonAneco 12 Pieces Red Christm...Shop on Amazon24 Pcs Garland Ties Artific...Shop on AmazonBigOtters 50 Pcs Jingle Bel...Shop on AmazonScotchBlue Original Multi-S...Shop on Amazon

How To Decorate Kitchen Cabinets For Christmas Video

1. Measure your cabinets

How To Decorate Kitchen Cabinets For Christmas instructions

1. Measure your cabinets

I started by measuring all of my cabinets’ height from top to bottom and made a note of how many cabinets and what sizes they all were. I then calculated how many feet of ribbon I would need and I ran to the dollar store and picked up some beautiful Christmas ribbon. You could use ribbon to match any color scheme that complements your Christmas decor ideas, I just chose red.

So I placed the red ribbon on top and used the blue painter's tape to hold it in place.

2. Cut and Attach the ribbon to the cabinet

For this project, I’ll be using painter’s tape to secure the ribbon. One of the reasons I love it is because it sticks to just about anything but doesn’t leave a sticky residue behind. It’s great for temporary holds. So I placed the red ribbon on top and used the blue painter’s tape to hold it in place. Next, I ran the ribbon down the front of the cabinet door making sure that it was straight and trying to make it as centered as possible. I left a couple of extra inches at the bottom of the ribbon and used my fabric scissors to cut off the ribbon. Next, I placed the red ribbon around the cabinet and used blue painter’s tape to hold the ribbon in place.

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Now my ribbon was straight from top to bottom and I made sure to center it. I continued doing this to the front of each cabinet door using the blue tape to place it on top and the blue tape to wrap it on the bottom.

Now my ribbon was straight from top to bottom and I made sure to center it. I continued doing this to the front of each cabinet door using the blue tape to place it on top and the blue tape to wrap it on the bottom.

3. Add an embellishment of your choice

3. Add an embellishment of your choice

Here’s a quick look at all of the cabinets with the red ribbon on the front. I didn’t stop here but went on to add the finishing touches. Using my cool glue gun I added a dab of hot glue to the front of the ribbon and then placed a bow from the dollar store on the ribbon. I needed to hold it in place until it was dry. it’s important to use a cool glue gun as it cools fast enough and doesn’t damage anything else or melt anything. I continued doing this to the front of each and every ribbon.

Are you looking for how to decorate kitchen cabinets for Christmas?  I have a few easy Dollar Tree DIYs and a video tutorial to share.

Here’s a quick look at what they looked like once I was finished. I finished them in the evening so I’ll give you a quick look at them now and again in the daylight. This would look really festive in a white kitchen and can become the focal point of your holiday decor.

This project was so easy to do and will help you bring some Christmas spirit to the heart of your home this holiday season. You could alternatively wrap the ribbon all the way around and use adhesive Velcro so that you could reuse this ribbon again and again. the other nice thing about this is it will pack away easily at the end of the season so you can use it again next year.

For this next option, I'll be using wired garland ties that I found at the dollar store

Another Christmas Kitchen Cabinet Options

Now I will show you another great option for cabinet decorations. For this next option, I’ll be using wired garland ties that I found at the dollar store.

I took all of the garland ties and made them into circles to look like small wreaths.

I took all of the garland ties and made them into circles to look like small wreaths. Once I had the right number of kitchen cabinet mini wreaths I was ready to move on to the next step. These are the cabinets that I’ll be decorating. I measured some red ribbon and hot glued it around each of the circles.

Next I hot glued a little bell and a little bow at the top of each circle, so now I have very festive foliage. I taped the ribbon onto the back of the cabinets and I was ready to hang them all up.

Next I hot glued a little bell and a little bow at the top of each circle, so now I have very festive foliage.

I taped the ribbon onto the back of the cabinets and I was ready to hang them all up.

I taped the ribbon onto the back of the cabinets and I was ready to hang them all up.

Are you looking for how to decorate kitchen cabinets for Christmas? I have a few easy Dollar Tree DIYs and a video tutorial to share.

Here’s a look at this completed kitchen cabinet look.

How To Decorate Kitchen Cabinets For Christmas

This third look, just like in the first one, I wrapped ribbon along the cabinet and fastened it on the back with painters tape. I grabbed some Christmas cards and hot glued them onto the ribbon. I think it would be great to add your received cards to this ribbon and build a collection of cards over the season. You could alternatively use a paper clip and just clip the cards on instead of hot glue them. Another idea would be to use clothespins.

What are some other kitchen ideas to add holiday spirit?

  • Decorate your kitchen island with placemats or a mini tree
  • Place garland or fresh greenery on your open shelving
  • Use command hooks or command strips for temporary hanging
  • Place a mini Christmas tree in your kitchen on the kitchen table
  • Hang candy canes on your cabinets
  • Add Christmas wreaths to your cabinets and windows
  • Place a small Christmas tree in your kitchen to create a beautiful glow
  • Hang Christmas cards on your cabinets
  • Place fairy lights and pine cones on open shelves
  • Make a hot cocoa station with Christmas mugs and Christmas cookies on a tiered stand on your kitchen counter
  • Place glass jars with candles or small trees in them and place them along your kitchen window
  • Add placemats and a tiered tray to your dining table in your dining room for Christmas dinner
  • Decorate your range hood
  • Add a Christmas sign
  • Make a winter wonderland by adding some fake snow felt to your shelves.
  • Add gingerbread houses in the kitchen or make mini ones.
  • Use wrapping paper and wrap your cabinets

Which kitchen cabinet decoration will you be doing for this festive season? This is a great way to add Christmas cheer during Christmas time at your home.

I hope this inspires you to decorate your kitchen cabinets. I’d love it if you’d subscribe to my YouTube channel and my blog at Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in my next video and don’t forget to like, share and subscribe.

Merry Christmas!!

Check out some of my other Christmas posts!

How To Decorate Kitchen Cabinets For Christmas Video

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Are you looking for how to decorate kitchen cabinets for Christmas?  I have a few easy Dollar Tree DIYs and a video tutorial to share.

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