Thoughtful Gifts for A Friend Going Through a Tough Time

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What are some thoughtful gifts for a friend or loved one? If you’ve got friends that have had their fair share of trials and tribulations, finding ways to make them feel better is not always easy. If they’ve had to stay at home or they’ve not had much contact with loved ones, getting them a gift that says “I’m here for you, despite the distance” is a difficult thing to get right. If you have got a friend that is feeling down or upset, or the pressures are just becoming too much, let’s show you some thoughtful gift ideas to help them.

What are some thoughtful gifts for a friend or loved one? If you have got a friend that is feeling down, let's show you some thoughtful gift ideas to help them.

Thoughtful Gifts for A Friend Going Through a Tough Time Video

The Gift of Indulgence

For anybody that’s gone through 2020, they have either focused on getting themselves into peak physical health or they’ve gone in the other direction. For the friend that has been working so hard at trying to keep the wolf from the door as far as depression is concerned, they could benefit from the gift of indulgence. That’s not to say you should completely ply them with cookies and wine! But there are gift baskets that straddle the balance. The Hawaiian Big Island gift selection comes with items that are indulgent but can also transport your friends to a happier climate. While for so many people travel is officially off the cards, we can make the most of our homes with a little bit of luxury. Indulgence in the form of a food basket is perfect in the run-up to the holiday season, and it is the ideal way to say to someone that you need to just enjoy yourself right now. We all need to give ourselves some form of break, and the gift of indulgence is a perfect entryway.

The Gift of Escapism

Everybody has tried to escape what is going on in some way. When we feel stress all around us or we find ourselves glued to the news to see what is going to happen next, it will slowly begin to wear us down. Escapism is more important than ever. The big question is what form of escapism does your loved one benefit from? Some people cannot help but overthink and ponder what is going to happen. And it’s these intelligent people that can benefit from escapism in the form of a mental distraction. Want to make it? Create these easy Stress Relief & Gift Ideas. Video games have become more popular for adults this year than ever, and for anybody that hasn’t played a video game for 20 years you can get them started with a Nintendo Switch, but there are also plenty of online retro games. Many people are now looking towards the past as a way to help them process a simpler way of life. If your friend was big into retro games on the Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo systems, there’s a wide variety of emulators online that can be downloaded onto their mobile phone. It’s not just a great way to become absorbed in something else, but it will transport you back to a simpler time, those times when you were a pre-teen and there was nothing much to worry about. All these little memories can come flooding back and fill us with that warming glow on the inside.

The Gift of Creativity

During difficult times we can feel that getting thoughts onto paper by painting, writing, or anything creative is an incredibly cathartic experience. We have to remember that when we become more creative, it’s a way to channel aggression or anxiety. There are so many things you can do depending on your friend’s predilection towards creativity. If there’s someone that doesn’t necessarily like to paint because they are too self-critical, getting them a diary so they can do a regular brain dump will be the perfect way for them to get their random thoughts onto paper. For anybody that has difficulty falling asleep at night, getting into the habit of doing a brain dump where any thought no matter how random it is put onto this paper it is a place for you to get those thoughts out, but also gain some perspective the next day. Reading your random thoughts can make you realize that these thoughts aren’t important. And when we get random thoughts, getting them out is a fantastic way to gain perspective but also use our diary as an entryway to anything. A problem shared is a problem halved, wherever you share it. Want a great DIY? Try this grateful board that I use daily.

The Gift of Responsibility

When we feel weighed down by our own thoughts, the gift of responsibility is something that may be the last thing on your mind for someone who is struggling but it is a perfect way to distract them from their own thoughts, but it also gives them something to work towards. The gift of responsibility or looking after something is what has kept many parents going during this tough time. And while you may not want to get them a pet, you can do something that slowly and instigate some responsibility. Plants are the perfect starting point, but even if you think that this is way too much, a terrarium is a great way to see something grow and cultivate over a long period of time but requires little maintenance. A little terrarium kit is also a little creative project. It gives someone the opportunity to add to the terrarium as and when they wish. But it’s also something that gives them a little bit of brightness, especially if they are forever stuck at home. It is simple, but it is one of the best ways to decorate a home cheaply. It’s one of those things that you can do if you don’t have all the money in the world, but you want to give them something that shakes up their space and also gives them something to do.

Picking gifts for a positive occasion like an anniversary can be difficult. But presenting a gift to a friend that is going through a rough patch in life can be even more of a challenge. Depending on your friend’s personality and attitude would result in a different type of gift, but whoever they are, there are plenty of options. You can find more of my DIY gift ideas here.

Thoughtful Gifts Ideas Video

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Do you love to make gifts for friends and family members? Would you like to personalize your gifts too? This book is for you! Over 30 DIYs gifts on a budget plus extra tips, tricks, eco-friendly gift wrapping ideas, and more!

So what are you waiting for?!!! Get your copy today and start creating!

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  1. Chas you are the sweetest! Trust you to think of other people during this difficult season. And your suggestions are wonderful! I’m going to try some of them this very day! Thank you for your kind and beautiful inspiration, and for being a kind and beautiful you!

    1. Thank you so much Barbara for your kind words. I love that you enjoyed some of the suggestions. Happy Holidays friend and I’m so grateful for you!

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