Easy Placemats & Table Markers

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Something to do for the holidays plus decorate your table at the same time! These place mat & table marker projects are easy, inexpensive, and something everyone can do. Great for gift ideas too!

You’ll need:   Apple Barrel Acrylic Paints   Cookie Cutters for whatever holiday you’re decorating for   Place mats   Optional Sharpie markers

Put your paint on a plate.   Dip your cookie cutter in your plate of paint   Press the cookie cutter with paint on it onto the place mat.   After the paint dries, feel free to color in with Sharpies if desired.

Thanksgiving DIY Ebook

We made these place mats back in 2009 and they have held up this whole time, only the Sharpie marker has faded with all the washes.  

The first one is mine, this one above is my son’s, he was 4 at the time he made this one.

The one above this is my daughter’s. She was 8.

The one below this was one the kids made me for Mother’s Day. It was all Sharpie marker.

You can use this idea as something to do while you have all the guests at your house. You can make it before hand, You can use is as a gift idea.  

Onto place markers…

For this you’ll need ceramic pumpkins – mine are from Dollar Tree – and a dry erase marker.

For your table – use them as place cards/table markers.  Simply write a person’s name on each pumpkin with the dry erase marker.  The best part is the dry erase comes off for tons of use…

Bonus content – you can use these ceramic pumpkins all fall!!!  For Halloween, draw faces on them.  My kids love to do this!

For the fall season – write fun words on them and leave them out on display.


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  1. Stephanie says:

    Good morning, my friend! I so enjoyed seeing your cute pumpkins with the names on them. Once again, such a clever idea!

    And those placemats are just the cutest! I would love to make some with my son…maybe this year I will actually do it {{smiles}}

    Thanks for the inspiration. Hugs!

    1. Thank you Stephanie 🙂 If you do make some with your son, please send me pictures. I’d love to see what you all come up with. Hugs my friend

        1. Thank you so much Faith, I’m thrilled you like them and want to make them.

  2. Love the place mats your kids made. Especially the 4 yr old. So perfect to show that little kids can have fun with a family project too!

    1. Thank you Linda . I love getting them out every year – it’s a little way to preserve those memories of when they were younger. Hugs

  3. What a great idea and adaptable to so many occasions. Thank you for sharing with us this week at Celebrate Your Story, and I hope your week is going great.

    1. Thank you Sandra, I truly enjoy reading your blog and being a part of it as well 🙂

    1. Thank you Sam, and I do love them so much. A small way to preserve the memories. We love getting them out every year.

  4. The place mats look adorable, such a clever and beautiful idea! Thank you for sharing it.

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