Chas’ Crazy Stories – 2 Hip Surgeries
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As I mentioned in my last story post, I received my degree in dance, directed a dance program for 24 years, and dance professionally with High Performance Dance Theatre.
I was at dress rehearsal in February 2018, and while dancing slid to the floor, felt a pop, very sharp pain, and couldn’t get off the floor. I managed to get up and struggled my way through the dance. For the next few days, I put ice and heat on it, got through the show, and vowed to rest.
I improved enough to function but started to have trouble pushing the clutch in the car, going up the stairs, and had trouble doing everyday tasks. Sadly, I knew that my labrum which is the cartilage that holds your hip and femur (leg) bone together was torn.
I went into an orthopedic center, and they agreed, sent me to an MRI which confirmed, and then sent me to physical therapy. After faithfully doing my therapy, the pain didn’t go away. The doctor I was seeing was just going to “repair” it, and in the meantime, I was referred by a friend of mine to a surgeon in Denver who specializes in this.
I scheduled an appointment with Dr. White at Western Orthopedics. His cutting-edge surgery replaces the cartilage with donor tissue.
My surgery for my left hip was done in January 2019. Dr. White told me the cartilage was shredded, and that the cause was genetics (bone hitting bone and pinching the cartilage during activity) as well as all the wear and tear of the years from dance. The recovery for this is as follows…
- For the first 2 weeks, you live in a continuous passive movement machine and an ice machine.
- No weight on the leg for 2 months.
- In months 2-4, you are allowed 2000 steps (1 mile) per day and after that, you need to move with your crutches again.
- After month 4 you gradually grow your steps, and by month 6 you’re pretty much able to do all your normal functions again.
- For dancing it would be 1 full year before I could participate in that.
My recovery was fantastic, so much so that once I got to about 8 months I started realizing my right hip wasn’t right. I went back to Dr. White, got another MRI, and found out that my right hip was also torn. Since my deductible had been met, we made the quick decision to have the right hip fixed by the end of November 2019. One more year of recovery.
The recovery was worth it, and I’m almost to the end of my second hip surgery year. I’ve been enjoying walks every day, and a lot of hikes this summer and into fall.
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I hope this helps you, and I’d love to hear from you in the comments!
You are AMAZING!
Hugs to you!
More Stories about Chas:

Thanks so much for featuring my pressed flower lanterns Chas! I hope your readers love them as much as mine do. So glad to hear that your recovery is going well, I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for you, not being able to dance for such a long time. Wishing you all the best my friend!
You’re most welcome Jayne, I absolutely love your lanterns. Working with pressed flowers (and I love leaves as well) is so much fun, and doesn’t cost a fortune to create. Thank you so much for the kind words. I have learned a lot of patience and to enjoy slowing down through this whole experience.
Wow! 2 hip surgeries are a lot to deal with, but it sounds like you’ve had fantastic results! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much Michelle, yes – that plus breast cancer all in one year was a lot. My glass is half full and I’m trudging forward.
You are amazing friend! I am so happy you shared your story!
Congratulations on your success!
Happy day!
You are sweet KariAnne, thank you for all of the support and encouragement friend! Hugs to you
OH My 2 hip surgeries in 8 months, I can’t believe they allowed that. When my Mother both her hips done, they literally refused doing them at once or in the same year so they did them a year apart. I feel for you and wish you the best.
When you start getting down always remember try to smile even if its fake, it will make people think you’re up to something. Also, smiling gives you less wrinkles than a frown does LOL.
Best Wishes and Get Real Soon.
Take Care.
Thank you so much Crystal, I appreciate the kind words. Yes, this hip surgery is a special and unique one, I was recovered all the way from a “regular use” viewpoint and that’s why they were ready for me to do the 2nd one. Plus I had been going to PT for a year, so they knew I was strong enough and ready. It has been a crazy ride… and next week I’ll share how I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the middle of all of it. Crazy right?!!!
I’m so glad that you’re doing so well recovering from hip surgery.. this past year I have been dealing with painful crippling arthritis in both knees and it’s been a struggle to get appointments with getting two see a specialist for knee replacement especially with this pandemic that’s on going. One of the reason I love And get so excited to hear from you about all your projects is: you’re a great instructional presentations, there are simple, Direct, very easy to follow. Also by expressing what you’ve been doing and what has been happening with you and your family. Makes me feel comfortable, warm, and friendly as if I am right there face-to-face with you. I’m knee-deep into Halloween/thanksgiving projects such as: Rock painting, making pumpkins out of sealer bands and yarn; painting ghosts and goblins on wooden spoons, ghost out of tin can and mummies out of glass jars. The last two my seven year old granddaughter join me in making those. Basically just having fun fun fun crafting which help me keep my mind off my knees. It’s so nice that you asked. Thank you. I live about an hour and a half just out of Edmonton, Alberta. You have gaven me a great idea with the glass gobe as a Christmas present for one of my daughters. As soon as I finish All Halloween and thanksgiving projects. Keep safe and healthy.