Why Your Recent Renovation Is Not Quite Right
Have you changed something in your home and decided it’s not quite right? Here are 8 small things that can change your renovation regrets.
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Renovations can transform the feel of your interior spaces and change how you feel every time you walk into the room. But they don’t always feel quite “right.”
In this post, we take a look at some of the reasons why your new décor is disappointing you.
Little things can fix what is not quite righ
1. Your Rug Is Too Small
If you don’t have a great deal of experience in room renovations, you can get your rug selection quite badly wrong. Many people are in the habit of choosing small, puny rugs. But these have the effect of making rooms feel fragmented, disjointed, and claustrophobic.
To fix this issue, make sure that you choose large rugs that go beyond the outside of your furniture. (For instance, don’t allow a rug to finish halfway under a sofa).
If you are putting down a rug in the living room, make sure that it extends more than 18 inches from the rear of any furniture. If you are putting a rug down in the bedroom, obey the same rule. When rugs extend more to the sides of the room, they feel more opulent.
2. Your Wall Art Is The Wrong Height
Not only is craning your neck to see wall art at the wrong height annoying, wrongly positioning picture frames damages the symmetry of the room.
If your wall art looks too high or too low, try changing it. Split your walls into four evenly spaced sections. Then hang all your wall art in the second section from the top. Doing this will totally change how it feels to walk into your rooms. You’ll notice that you no longer have to crane your neck to see your art and that it just looks more natural overall.
3. You Are Placing Furniture Up Against The Walls
Pushing furniture up against the walls is standard practice in most homes, but you should avoid it if you can.
Why? The problem with this approach is that it makes the whole room feel claustrophobic and stressed.
If you lack space, consider choosing smaller furniture. Most small living rooms, for instance, can accommodate a small two-person sofa in the middle. Add a coffee table and then fit your TV to the wall so that you don’t have to give precious space to a stand.
4. You Didn’t Embellish Your Drapery
Drapes are beautiful and usually enhance a room. But if you fail to embellish them with the right curtain rods, they can feel a little flat.
If you can, pick rods with a distinctive style. Metal is a great material because of how it reflects the light and stands out by itself.
5. You Made Everything White
Making everything white is standard practice in a lot of renovations – and can make you feel positive and uplifted. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for every type of interior revamp. In rooms with a lot of natural daylight, it works well. But in those that lack daylight, it can feel flat and dull.
But white isn’t the only way to approach décor. You can also try adding blush tones. These will mimic the effect of changing natural daylight during the day. Cooler tones, like blue and green, will make the room feel more like morning, while warmer tones, such as orange and yellow, will make it feel like evening.
6. Your Bulbs Are Too Bright
Renovations can sometimes feel a little off if your bulbs are too bright. Installing a dozen spotlights in your hallway, for instance, can make you feel stressed the moment you walk through the door. It’s like you’re in a gallery.
High-wattage bulbs tend to saturate spaces and make them feel washed out. Steer clear of high-powered 60 to 75-watt bulbs and go for 40 watt instead. You can also try adding a dimmer switch when you want to set the mood.
7. You’re Using Too Many Sofa Pillows
Sofa pillows are a nice touch. But sometimes they just get in the way and wind up making your rooms feel messy.
Generally speaking, two pillows are enough. They’re all you really need for a decent setup. If you want, use one large pillow and one small one to make it a little chicer.
8. Blocking Natural Light
Lastly, your renovations might feel a little flat if your new drapes are blocking natural light. Lack of light is okay in the bedroom, but it can detract from communal spaces, especially the kitchen and living room.
To maximize the natural light entering your home, use sheers. Also, don’t place any furniture taller than your sills in front of them.
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