Super Easy Chest of Drawers Makeover

Cras' Crazy Creations

There are lots of things you can do to upcycle a chest of drawers.

Here's one of my favorites using fabric and paint.

Gather Supplies


– furniture piece – Fabric – Sander – Mod Podge – Paint – Paper, Pencil, and Scissors

I found this for free on the side of the road!

Sand the Drawers


I grabbed my Wagner paint eater and sanded away the old paint.

Clean the Drawers


I like Krud Kutter because it cleans up all the dirt and grime you may not even see, even sticky residue.

Time to Paint!


I used folk art home decor chalk paint the drawer fronts in the color sheepskin and then folk art home decor chalk paint in the color black for the main dresser body.

Make a Template for Fabric


I started by putting the drawer face down on a piece of butcher paper and I used a pencil to trace the drawer.  This is one of the easiest ways to make a template.

Cut Fabric


I cut out the template and then used it to measure and cut out the fabric.

Add Fabric to Drawers & Dresser Top


I painted on Mod Podge then positioned the fabric and smoothed it out.

Seal the Fabric


I sealed the top with another layer of mod podge., which is water resistant. To make it waterproof, use dishwasher-safe mod podge with multiple coats following the directions.

Put it all back together


Something that was well-loved and falling apart now has new life. I hope this inspires you to take something free and flip it so that it fits your needs in your home.